Participatory performance to create a common "area" at the heart of the governmental district of Caracas challenging polarizing discourses—defeating government-power narratives from people's collective actions. While polarization is a division used and created by dictatorial governments as a political strategy for the perpetuation of power, this project aimed to blur these borders through the construction of a collective gesture as a political act.
This work was done within the framework of the Salón de Jóvenes conFIA_XVIIEdition curated by Ruth Auerbach. Won the Second Prize of the hall, awarded by Sofía Hernández Chong-Cuy, Patricia Velasco and Lorena González as a qualifying jury.
Collaborators: Kathiana Cardona, Yuri Liscano, Diego González, Julio Mesa, Tiago Loureiro, Manuel Villagómez, Saúl Yuncoxar.
70 participants, 400 linear meters.