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“True Love’s Kiss”. Participatory Performance. Provincetown, 2024. Photo Saha Wortzel © Miguel Braceli

Queer Fairy Tale
In Provincetown

Open call to participate in Miguel Braceli's performance “Kiss of True Love”. On Sunday, March 24 at 6:00 p.m. In Provincetown Caseaway there will be a procession led by the Moder Fairy God “Saltine” to kiss the artist, part of the “Queer Fairy Tale in Provincetown” project.

Inspired by the queer historical legacy of Provincetown, together with my story, this work aims to explore diverse versions of what love is and how it exists, encompassing memories, lessons, thoughts, and advice to collectively write and perform a fairy tale of progressive values. Through intergenerational exchange, this community-based project hopes to expand the notions of love and relationships in the form of a fairy tale that can be told to the generations to come, diversifying the narratives of idealized romance. Miguel Braceli

For the last few months, Miguel Braceli has been collaborating with artists and different members of the Provincetown community. Part of this research would be exhibited at the Fine Arts Work Center, showcasing drawings, sculptures, and photographs in collaboration with Mark Adams, Mike Sullivan, and Sasha Wortzel. 

Gifford House
Monday, March 18
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Fine Arts Work Center
Friday, March 22nd (Opening)
5:00 - 8:00 pm

Participatory Performance
Provincetown Causeway (Breakwater)
Sunday, March 24th
 - 7:00 pm

atory Performance
Provincetown Causeway (Breakwater)
March 24th, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


This performance could be rescheduled or canceled due to weather conditions.

This performance will be documented in photographs and video, by participating you're accepting to be part of the visual documentation of the project. 

The performance would take place walking over the breakwater, comfortable clothes and shoes are recommended.


Thanks for registering!

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